



Results for nature natters

  1. Nature Natters: Hitting the ground running

    I’ve just returned from a weekend in London, supporting my daughter who was running her first London Marathon as well as the thousands of others who were also taking part. On the journey home I…

  2. Nature Natters: With farmers, not for farmers

    Does science hold the solutions for farming in the future, or can many of the solutions be found closer to home, under the ground and in the hedges? With large investments from government and private…

  3. Nature Natters: No Nature, No Farmers, No Food

    During the past few weeks I've spent a lot of time on trains travelling to different parts of the country for meetings and conferences. While it's nice to sit back, relax, and let the train…

  4. Nature Natters: Inputs and outputs – the future of fossil fuel-based fertilisers

    Like many, we’re coming out of winter with the already-planted crops in a very mixed condition – we don't have a single field with uniform establishment or condition of crops. The recent weather has certainly…

  5. Nature Natters: Farm assurance schemes – who and what are they really for?

    Is it for adding value to farmers and others in the supply chain? Or is it for standing out in the crowd and demonstrating different forms of production?

  6. Nature Natters: The weather dice – when to drill or not to drill

    Our autumns are becoming increasingly unpredictable, bringing with it the gamble of when to drill. Last year, we had a dry summer and autumn with little opportunity to germinate volunteers and weeds. This year has…

  7. Nature Natters: Decisions, decisions, decisions

    The past few weeks we've been going over and over our crop rotation for the year ahead. When we're doing the budget for some of our break crops, they can look challenging in making a…

  8. Nature Natters: Alternative ideas aren’t the enemy of good practice

    As the summer show season comes to an end, I’ve been reflecting on what seems to be a groundswell of change happening. Many farmers are quietly getting on with making changes to their farming practices,…

  9. Nature Natters: Silver-bullet solutions for weather woes?

    The legacy of last year's dry weather has announced itself in this year’s harvest. Travelling around the farm over the past month or two, I’ve observed the dreaded blackgrass rearing its unwelcomed head in many…