Adama Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd (Adama) has launched a new podcast aimed at providing UK arable farmers and agronomists with the latest crop protection news and advice.

The new ‘ArableAware’ podcast contains a range of topical features, articles and stories including on-farm interviews with farmers, agronomists and other industry experts as well as Adama’s own fungicide and herbicide specialists.

“Podcasts are growing in popularity as a means of divulging targeted information to a specific audience,” explains Abbie Bieny, Adama’s digital marketing specialist.  “We recognise that farmers spend a lot of time alone in their tractor cab or farm vehicle, especially during the busy drilling, spraying and harvesting seasons, and wanted to provide them with interesting, relevant and thought-provoking audio content that they can download and listen to at their convenience.

“Making content available to listen to in this format complements our existing online hub and webinar material, and will allow us to share our key messages with a captive and focused audience and is the ideal format for the industry to discuss a range of issues affecting UK arable crop production and protection.”

The first episode of ArableAware, which includes T0 crop protection advice, plus the latest thoughts on Broad Leaved Weed resistance, is available to download now.  The first episode also features an interview with farming podcast pioneer, Will Evans of Rock & Roll Farming (, the UK’s first farming-specific podcast, to hear his thoughts on the role of podcasts in improving knowledge sharing within the agricultural community.

To find out more, or to download the first episode of ArableAware, visit your usual podcast platform (iTunes, etc.) and search for ArableAware. Alternatively, please visit the Adama Precision Crop Protection hub at where the show can also be downloaded.