CPM finds out about the new dual action of two complimentary biostimulants now available through the launch of a new product by Arysta LifeScience.

Calibra Carbo combines the protein building properties of amino acids with the increased nutrient and water movement properties of GA142.

In doing so, seaweed extract GA142 accelerates the transfer of the amino acids through the plant, reducing stress and boosting photosynthesis.

Arysta LifeScience Product Development & Technical Manager for UK & Ireland, Don Pendergrast said: “What makes this product stand out is its dual mode of action – the two molecules working together to provide an enhanced performance.

“Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. By providing ready-built amino acids, the plant can build protein more quickly and overcome ‘pinch points’ of stress.

“This is then boosted further by the addition of GA142 which speeds up the movement of the amino acids through the plant by improving rooting and therefore water and nutrient access.”

18 different vegetable amino acids form the basis of the Calibra Carbo formulation, as well as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and the GA142.

The product can be used on a range of crops including cereals, oilseed rape and potatoes, and is compatible with most fungicides and insecticides.

Don added: “GA142 is an established biostimulant with a proven track record. So to be able to offer this in combination with amino acids is an exciting development for UK growers.

“Biostimulants make a considerable contribution to the sustainable agriculture agenda, and we are proud to be developing our portfolio to include more of these products, whilst constantly adapting to market needs.”

Arysta LifeScience will be showcasing its biostimulant product range, including Calibra Carbo, at trade shows throughout the year. This includes CropTec, held in November at the East of England Showground in Peterborough.

For more information, e-mail ukenquiries@arysta.com