Informal, but practical talks on four key issues facing UK growers by four excellent speakers will highlight the first ever “Speakers Corner” on the Bayer stand (557) at Cereals 2018.

Up first will be Jackie Stroud, soil scientist at Rothamsted Research, examining one of the buzz topics in farming of soil health. In her 15 minute slot from 10am on Wednesday 13 June, she will examine three ways to improve soil health in practice, utilising her research findings from the past year on earthworms. With an increased focus on soil health and potential incentives to improve it coming in a new agricultural policy for the UK, this session will aim to give growers practical tips on what to do, and perhaps what not to do.

Following on at 11.15am, Andrew Ward from Roy Ward Farms, Leadenham, Lincolnshire will turn attention to how to calculate cost / tonne accurately. As Brexit looms, there is no better time to learn how to practically measure production costs to help assess how well the farm is performing. Andrew will break down how he measures his cost / tonne on farm to provide some guidance about how to measure this important benchmark as accurately as possible.

On Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm, Dr Stephen Foster, a Research Entomologist from Rothamsted Research, will turn his attention to barley yellow dwarf virus in a post-neonicotinoid seed treatment world. With the recent ban on neonicotinoid seed treatments in cereal crops, Stephen will discuss how the ban will impact aphid resistance management and BYDV control, and give some early ideas on alternatives to protect crops in the future.

Last but not least, Tom Jewers, a grower from Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk will describe his battle against black-grass on Thursday 14 June at 11.15am. One of a growing band of growers using no-till, he will give three examples of techniques he is using on his farm to tackle perhaps the trickiest agronomic issue for many growers in the UK.

At the end of each session there will be a chance to ask the speaker questions and discuss the topics raised with Bayer experts.