Following work by the BBRO, Nemguard DE has been authorised for use in sugar beet against free-living nematodes and reduction of Docking disorder.

Docking disorder is the name given to the symptoms of free-living nematode (FLN) damage characterised by stunted plants, root fanging and reduction in root size, whereas FLN damage is usually more common on light sandy soils and is more severe in years with heavy rainfall in the spring.

In fields with a history of Docking disorder yield losses were minimised by the use of nematicides, such as Vydate (oxamyl) which is no longer available.

As such BBRO has sought alternative options for protection. In conjunction with manufacturer Ecospray, distributor Certis established three in-field strip trials in 2021 to test Nemguard DE against Vydate, and untreated controls, on FLN vulnerable sites. Following these trials in 2021, a year with perfect conditions for FLN, BBRO says it is confident that Nemguard DE worked as well as Vydate for FLN management.

Application recommendations

Nemguard DE is a granule formulation containing 450g/kg garlic extract which is applied at drilling via a granule applicator.

The recommended application rate for Nemguard DE is higher than that of Vydate.

BBRO suggest growers use 10kg of Nemguard DE/ha in 2022, which Certis says will provide adequate protection of your crops. “This rate may be refined over time and could reach up to 20kg/ha (the maximum on-label dose) when we continue our research in the coming years,” says the distributor.

Granule applicators will need to be serviced, modified, and calibrated ready to distribute Nemguard DE for drilling 2022 and Certis warns that Nemguard DE will not control beet cyst nematode (BCN) so if growers are concerned about it, it is recommended to use a BCN tolerant variety (Daphna, Katjana or Lacewing).