An innovative on-line resource is offering support to help growers regain control over five key grassweeds.

By Rob Jones

As the 5 for 5 approach for blackgrass shows, even the most intractable and costly grassweed problems can be overcome with the right management, the necessary determination and sufficient time.

This is the encouraging promise of an innovative on-line resource that claims to provide the ‘best ever’ support for arable managers in regaining control over their most damaging grassweeds.

Stephen Moss

Developed by grassweed authority, Dr Stephen Moss with Monsanto specialists, Grassweed Action is built around what he regards as the most important keys to success – understanding, commitment and flexibility.

It offers carefully structured frameworks for tackling the five most damaging grassweeds which can be implemented by growers and their advisers in ways that best suit their own conditions and circumstances.

Sterile brome in wheat

Practical guidance on regaining control of blackgrass, Italian ryegrass, bromes, wild oats and couch in separate sections is complemented by a knowledge hub containing the best current understanding of each weed; a newsroom offering the latest control intelligence and advice; and industry links for extra information, guidance and support.

An invaluable aid to help growers manage their particular grassweed problems, the resource also allows them to benchmark their position with other farms across the country with a unique Grassweed Tracker.